Thursday, July 31, 2014

Prompt #2

I believe with the small adaptations, Bloom's taxonomy is still just as relevant for the digital classroom. Although students are using different technological tools and resources to learn and to share their own knowledge with the world, their minds are still mastering new information in the same way. When we begin to learn something new, the first step is always to become informed of the fact. Then we can begin to understand the concept, and only after that are we able to judge and apply it. Even if we are discovering, learning, sharing opinions, and creating new things in very different, digital ways, our minds are still going through the same general process in order to fully grasp a new idea. However one thing I don't understand in both versions of Bloom's taxonomy is why analyzing does not come before comprehension/understanding. To me it seems like nothing can be completely understood until it has already been broken apart and each component is understood. But despite this, I do believe the path to higher thinking skills is just as perfect in the 21st century as it was in the past, and can still be utilized in the digital classroom.

Prompt #1

Technology controls almost all of our connection with society and the basis of our culture. The first video mentioned how many recent jobs didn't even exist a decade ago, as many new jobs were needed as a result of the increase in technology. Technology is also reaching people quicker and connecting people together more than ever. One of the biggest ways it has influenced society is that it has made our access to information and ability to understand new information grow exponentially. With such a large influence on the world, it is important that technology is used to educate in similar ways. Yet while it is beginning to have the same kinds of effects on education, the impact is much smaller than on society as a whole; schools are not integrating technology into their programs as much as they should be. Without the use of technology, students aren't interested in school. The second video showed how irrelevant high school students thought school was. Many teachers still believe using technology is lazy rather than innovative and ban it from their classrooms. With a technologically based society, students should be educated using this technology in order to best prepare them for future jobs and new inventions. Technology such as phones, computers, and the internet can easily connect us with the best tools and information, not only in society, but also from an educational viewpoint, and we should be using it effectively.