Friday, August 1, 2014

Prompt #3

As a future elementary school teacher, my focus is on how to teach younger kids who are definitely the most obsessed with all forms of new technology. I think the key to grabbing their attention in school is tying in their love of all things digital to the learning process. Because they are digital natives, many of the toys they grew up using and the things they do for fun deal with technology. Therefore, these younger kids - along with kids of all ages - associate technology with being fun, cool, and vital to everyday life. By integrating technology into the classroom, it's easy to "trick" the younger kids into connecting these feelings with learning as well. I plan to use technology to teach these digital natives in ways that make learning practical, as well as ways that make it captivating. Encouraging internet research or using basic programs like Word or PowerPoint can teach students how to use technology in helpful ways. Watching videos, playing learning games, and creating their own things on the computer can aid in teaching and help school seem more entertaining to them as well.

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